How to discover your life’s purpose and have a healthier relationship with money • Part I

Stop thinking of ways to make money and spend more time getting to know yourself

Anna White
4 min readJun 27, 2020

“When you are trying to limit ‘overwhelm’, you are limiting your life experiences and what you are capable of.”

— Sahara Rose · Episode 291: What To Do If You’re Overwhelmed

This is Part I of a three-part series. Read Part II & Part III. Follow me for more articles about our financial journey.

I am the type of person that gets incredibly overwhelmed by the endless possibilities that exist in this world to find your purpose in life and make money doing it. The other day, I listened to this amazing episode from the Sahara Rose Highest Self podcast where she talks about reframing those endless possibilities as a positive thing in life. She says, “when you are trying to limit ‘overwhelm’, you are limiting your life experiences and what you are capable of.” So give this episode a listen if this is something you struggle with too. It’s a good one.

Ok so now that we’ve overcome being overwhelmed with all of life’s opportunities, how do we find the inspiration within ourselves to discover our potential? Most goal setting articles I come across immediately start out with the SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-based) formula. But it just doesn’t get me fired up. Although SMART goals are still a great format for actually solidifying your goals in writing, it never really helped me tune in and identify what my goals are to begin with.

Trust yourself above all else.

Identifying your life’s purpose is less about sitting down and thinking of different ways you can make money, and more about getting to know yourself and tuning into your intuition. Chances are you have already felt excited or passionate about a skill or new idea but you immediately shut it down with the thought, “But I can’t make money doing that!” Your potential for being a brilliant money-making badass soulpreneur is already within you. Trust yourself above all else.

And if you have already found your calling/purpose in life but need help advancing your business to the next level, you should still be setting financial goals for yourself (not just your business.) If you take better care of yourself, your business will thrive as a result.

Here are some resources* to consider for getting inspired about your dreams and finding some goals that feel authentic and meaningful to you:

  • 📝 The 52 Lists Project journal by Moorea Seal
  • 💪 You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life by Jen Sincero
  • 🕺🏻Get Big & Bodacious with your goals with this goal study guide from Career Contessa & Dr. Sasha Heinz, a positive psychologist. (Note: if you’re struggling with Step 1 of this workbook like I did, then you need to spend some time soul searching with some of the other resources listed here. It’s time to take care of you boo.)
  • 🃏 Use this Brand Deck to identify your personal brand characteristics and better understand your values. (I’ve used this deck often for identifying company brand values but you can totally do this for your own personal brand or even your side-hustle business too! Reach out to me if you’d like a guided personal session with this deck!)
  • 📖 Get inspired by other side-hustlers’ and entrepreneurs’ stories and read real, relatable financial advice in Good Company Magazine: The Money Issue (Fun fact: I have two articles published in this magazine: “What Does It Take to Start a New Business” & “When Purpose Meets Business”)
  • 🧘🏾‍♀️ Believe it or not, meditation is an incredibly powerful tool for understanding what that inner voice is trying to tell you it wants to be doing every day. Tune into your intuition with Headspace.
  • ✨ Get to know yourself better with personalized affirmations and self-care programs that help you grow with Shine Text.
  • 🔮 If you are feeling called to deepen your spirituality, read You Were Born for This: Astrology for Radical Self-Acceptance by Chani Nicholas, which reveals your unique talents, challenges, and opportunities.

Once you’ve spent some time identifying your soulful purpose in life, you can work with a financial advisor/coach to outline your financial goals that will help you reach those dreams.

*Yes some of these are affiliate links but I frequently use these resources to check in on my goals and revisit them often, so you get to support me at no cost to you along your journey.

